Thursday, November 19, 2020

Paploo: Paint Variant (2)

I've previously mentioned the genuine variant of Paploo that was painted at another workshop, which featured pink hands, feet, etc. All of those samples included necklaces painted solid grey, instead of giving them the correct black band. We now have a couple samples of the variant Paploo with a brownish burgundy necklace as well. A slight change, but they're always added to the archive!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Dulok: Paint Variant

Last year, a few samples of a Dulok paint variation made it to market, all with the same features. The paint for the eyebrows and nose are light brown and match the club in his hand. The nails on his feet and hands are also painted grey. These deco changes from another workshop, apparently produced the figure in a more vibrant shade of green pvc.