Monday, November 8, 2021

C-3PO base color revealed!

Some collectors have often speculated what the base color is for the gold C-3PO figure released by Comics Spain, and whether they were simply repainted copies of the standard yellow figure. From the well worn sample seen below, it appears that the base color was actually different, a light pink or even flesh tone. A number of years ago, another sample surfaced of the same color, with no paint, so it could have been chemically stripped. The same may have been true for the solid yellow samples that have come to market.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wicket Key Ring: exclusive to Japan?!

Another Wicket key ring has been found, and oddly enough, it hails from Japan like the previous sample noted in 2018. I confirmed by comparison that they are indeed unique figures, including some alternate deco. While all of these originated in Spain, its interesting to note that both Wicket key rings were discovered in Japan.