In 1986, a company known as Comics Spain produced a line of PVC figures from both of the 1980s Star Wars cartoons: Droids and Ewoks. While the popular toymaker, Kenner, released action figures from these cartoons as well, Comics Spain produced characters that were not made by Kenner and also matched the likeness of each character to their appearance in the cartoon. This blog will explore all the figures that were released, and identify the variations that made their way to the market.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Kez-Iban the keychain?!
Not something I ever expected to see for this character, but perhaps keychains do in fact exist for all the Droids & Ewoks characters - because they're slowly being discovered over time. The hole in his head does seem to indicate that the keyring was inserted while the plastic was still warm, so it may have happened during production, before being painted.